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August 24, 2021


14681 MIDWAY RD. SUITE 200, ADDISON, TX 75001

Notice is hereby given that the Addison City Council will conduct a Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at the Addison TreeHouse with a quorum of the City Council physically present. Limited seating for members of the public will be available using CDC recommended social distancing measures. The Town will utilize telephone or videoconference public meetings to facilitate public participation to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding meetings that bring people into a group setting. Telephonic or videoconferencing capabilities will be utilized to allow individuals to address the Council. Email comments may also be submitted to:iparker@addisontx.gov by 3:00 pm the day of the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to participate remotely via Toll-Free Dial-in Number: 877.853.5247; Meeting ID:409.327.0683 Participant ID: #. For more detailed instructions on how to participate in this meeting visit our Agenda Page. The meeting will be live streamed on Addison's website at: www.addisontexas.net.

Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Closed (Executive) Session of the Addison City Council pursuant to:

Section 551.074, Tex. Gov. Code, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, pertaining to: 
  • City Attorney
Reconvene in to Regular Session: In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, the City Council will reconvene into Regular Session to consider action, if any, on matters discussed in Executive Session.

1.   Present and Discuss Legislation Passed During the 87th Session of the Texas Legislature and Provide an Update on Other Legislative Activity in Austin.
Presentation - Legislative Update 2021
Texas Municipal League Legal Update June 2021
2.   Present and Discuss the Expiration of Suspension of Certain Texas Open Meeting Act Provisions.  
3.   Present and Discuss Metrocrest Services' Request for a Contribution to Their Building Our Future Capital Campaign
Presentation - Metrocrest Services Building Our Future Campaign
Metrocrest Services Request Letter


Announcements and Acknowledgments Regarding Town and Council Events and Activities

Discussion of Meetings / Events

Public Comment
The City Council invites citizens to address the City Council on any matter, including items on the agenda, except public hearings that are included on the agenda. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing starts. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise required by law. To address the Council, please fill out a City Council Appearance Card and submit it to a staff member prior to the Public Comment item on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take any action or discuss any item not listed on the agenda.  The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.

Consent Agenda
All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
4.   Consider Action on the Minutes from the August 10, 2021 City Council Regular Meeting.
Minutes - August 10, 2021
5.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Town of Addison and Dannenbaum Engineering Company-Dallas, LLC. for Professional Engineering Services Related to the Lake Forest Drive Waterline Upgrades and Wastewater Improvements Project, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $169,808.
Resolution - Agreement with Dannenbaum Engineering for Lake Forest Drive Water and Wastewater Line Improvements
6.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Master Services and Purchasing Agreement Between the Town of Addison and AXON Enterprise, Inc. for the Devices, Cloud Services, and Professional Services for In-Car Cameras, Interview Room Cameras, and Body Cameras for the Addison Police Department, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $538,453.10.
Resolution - AXON Enterprise Agreement
7.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Events Agreement Between the Town of Addison and DCO Realty, Inc. for the Management, Operation, Coordination, and Control of a Variety of Events at Vitruvian Park, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $185,000.
Resolution - Vitruvian Park Events Agreement
8.   Consider Action on a Resolution Appointing Janet DePuy, Mayor Pro-Tempore of the City of Richardson, as Primary Representative and Guillermo Quintanilla, Mayor Pro-Tempore of the Town of Addison, as the Alternate Representative to the Aggreated Position of Represenative to the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
Resolution - 2021 RTC Appointments - Addison
Resolution - 2021 Appointments - Richardson
Letter - Notification

Regular Items
9.   Hold a Public Hearing, Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance Changing the Zoning on Property Located at 5290 Belt Line Road, Suite 104, which Property is Currently Zoned PD, Planned Development, through Ordinance O19-22, by Approving a Special Use Permit for a New Restaurant. Case 1835-SUP/Pressed Juicery
Presentation - 1835 SUP
Ordinance -1835-SUP
Staff Report - 1835-SUP
Plans - 1835-SUP
10.   Hold a Public Hearing, Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance Changing the Zoning on Property Located at 3765 Belt Line Road, which Property is Currently Zoned PD, Planned Development, through Ordinance O92-037, by Approving a Special Use Permit for a New Restaurant with the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for On-Premises Consumption Only. Case 1834-SUP/Wing Boss.
1834-SUP Presentation
Ordinance - 1834-SUP
Staff Report - 1834-SUP
Plans - 1834-SUP
11.   Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Appointing Whitt Wyatt as the City Attorney for the Town of Addison.    
Resolution - City Attorney Appointment
12.   Present and Discuss the Operations and Financial Reconciliation for Taste Addison 2021.  
Presentation - Taste Addison 2021 Recap
13.   Present and Discuss the Operations and Financial Reconciliation for Addison Kaboom Town! 2021.  
Presentation - Addison Kaboom Town 2021 Recap
14.   Present and Discuss an Update on Addison Oktoberfest 2021.
Presentation - Addison Oktoberfest 2021
15.   Present and Discuss the Finance Department Quarterly Financial Report of the Town of Addison for the Fiscal Year 2021 Third Quarter Ended June 30, 2021.  
Presentation - Quarterly Financial Report Fiscal Year 2021 Third Quarter
Quarterly Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2021 Third Quarter
Quarterly Investment Report - Fiscal Year 2021 Third Quarter

Adjourn Meeting

NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to meet in Executive Session closed to the public at any time in the course of this meeting to discuss matters listed on the agenda, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, including §551.071 (private consultation with the attorney for the City); §551.072 (purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property); §551.074 (personnel or to hear complaints against personnel); §551.076 (deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices); and §551.087 (economic development negotiations). Any decision held on such matters will be taken or conducted in Open Session following the conclusion of the Executive Session.

POSTED BY:     ________________________________
                           Irma G. Parker, City Secretary
DATE POSTED: ________________________________
TIME POSTED:  ________________________________
DATE REMOVED FROM BULLETIN BOARD:  ______________________
REMOVED BY:  ________________________________

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