October 20, 2020 
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road
Present: Chair Kathryn Wheeler; Commissioner Robert Catalani; Commissioner Nancy Craig; Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco; Commissioner John Meleky; Vice Chair Eileen Resnik; Commissioner Tom Souers
Call Meeting to Order & Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
1. Discuss and take action regarding approval of the minutes of the September 15, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.   
  Motion: Approval of the minutes as presented.
  Moved by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik Motion: Approval of the minutes as presented., Seconded by Commissioner Robert Catalani
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
2. Case 1809-Z/Baumann Building. Discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on a .57-acre property located at 4901 Arapaho Road, which property is currently zoned PD, Planned Development, through Ordinance O04-048, by approving a new PD district, to allow a 5-story mixed use building.   
Wilson Kerr, Interim Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report and answered questions from the Commission.

Commissioner Meleky and Resnik inquired about the previous meeting between Staff, the applicant, the FAA, and TXDOT with regard to the residential use. Wilson Kerr responded that Staff and the applicant received a letter from the FAA stating that if the Town approves a residential use  then it would be a violation of the FAA grant assurances and the FAA could revoke future funding from the Addison Airport.

The applicant, Bob Baumann, and his team informed the Commission that, due to the FAA requirements, the residence would be removed from the plans and stated that the space would be used as extended showroom space for the applicant's business. The applicant stated that this use change would change the parking requirements to add two spaces to the minimum parking requirements. The applicant also stated that the second floor of the building will be able to be retrofitted to be used for additional parking if and when the building is sold to a new user.

Chair Wheeler and Commissioner Souers requested that the applicant resubmit updated plans for review and return to P&Z the following month. The applicant requested that the Commission vote on the proposal without updated plans. Commissioner Souers and Catalani voiced concerns about approving plans without a thorough Staff review. 

Commissioner Craig requested more information about the second floor parking garage and how it would be accessed by cars once it is retrofitted. The applicant's representative responded that cars would access this garage through a vehicle lift that will initially be installed as a cargo lift with access from the first floor garage.

Chair Wheeler inquired about the mitigation of vehicle emissions once cars enter the second floor. The applicant's representative stated that the second floor windows would be removed upon the conversion to a parking garage to promote airflow.

The Commission requested more information about parking requirements and how the development would meet compliance. Wilson Kerr responded that the proposed development does not meet requirements based on gross square footage, as is Town standard, but the applicant requested that the parking ratios be calculated based on net square footage, which result in compliance.

Motion: Recommend approval with the following conditions:
  1. The top floor residence to be removed and replaced with extended show room space
  2. That parking to be calculated on net square footage rather than gross square footage
  3. Documentation showing that the second floor can accommodate future parking
  4. That the future parking lift to access the second floor parking garage meet fire code
  Moved by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Seconded by Commissioner Robert Catalani
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky
NAY: Commissioner Tom Souers
3. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1818-Z/3820 Belt Line Road. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 3820 Belt Line Road, from PD, Planned Development, to a new PD district to allow a two-story retail and office building.   
Wilson Kerr, Interim Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report and answered questions from the Commission.

Commissioner Souers inquired about the incorporation of the Master Transportation Plan. Wilson Kerr responded that the applicant is committed to providing 50% of the funding for the incorporation of the Master Transportation Plan along Belt Line Road.

Commissioner Souers requested more information on the future plans for the existing restaurant space located on the site. The applicant, Gregg Liscotti, responded that there are currently no plans to change the building and that they are currently looking for a new tenant for the restaurant space.

Commissioner Resnik inquired if the developers have a tenant for the new building. The applicant responded that they currently have one retail tenant that will be leasing one of the store fronts and that they are currently searching for other tenants. 

Chair Kathryn Wheeler opened the meeting as a public hearing.
  Public Hearing:
For: none
Against: none
On: Jane Lenz, 3942 Asbury Lane, Asbury Circle Townhomes, Addison. Ms. Lenz inquired as to whether or not the development's improvements along Belt Line Road would be done in accordance with the Belt Line 1.5 design plan and asked about the accuracy of the road labels on the site plan and public notice. These concerns were addressed by Staff.

Comments from Jane Lenz, 3942 Asbury Lane, Asbury Circle Townhomes, Addison:

Planning & Zoning Commissioners and Addison Staff and Officers:
I’m very pleased with the overall plans to build a small office building with retail space in the property at the entrance to the Asbury Circle townhomes, the community where I live.  Please note the following:
The plans fail to accommodate the bus stop that is currently on the corner of Business Avenue  and Belt Line.  According to the “Midway to Marsh Belt Line 1.5” design plans, which are currently being implemented by the contractors of the Addison Parks Department, that bus stop should at least contain a standard black metal bench and garbage receptacle. As Belt Line is being refurbished and as new developers (such as Addison Grove) implement their plans, they are all working with DART and the Addison Parks staff to create pedestrian and commuter spaces on Belt Line that will increase the walkability of Belt Line and add to the ease of traveling the “last mile” to the new Silver Line rail service.   
Although the plans for 3820 Belt Line mention that the Addison Parks Department has approved the streetscape plans, nowhere in these plans are the specific Belt Line 1.5 finishes and street furniture and landscaping addressed.  Why not?

What will 3820 Belt Line look like from Belt Line?  How will pedestrians walking on Belt Line enter this property, if they wish to?  Will there be a cut out leading into the parking lot where pedestrians can safely navigate their way to the stores and offices.

Will the sidewalks, any walls and other finishes match the materials and design being implemented along the rest of Belt Line in this area?
Commercial Drive on the location map of the cover of the presentation is drawn differently than it is now.  Currently Commercial Drive turns west in back of 3820 Belt Line and continues west in front of Addison Town Center until it exits at Marsh Road. I believe this is also considered a Fire Lane since there is no parking allowed on this street.

On your location map, Commercial Road is shown turning south into the Asbury Circle Community.  The westernmost street in Asbury Circle isn’t named Commercial Drive, it’s named Asbury Lane, which circles the Asbury Circle community.  The addresses of the westernmost townhomes are “Asbury Lane” not “Commercial Drive.”   Your location map mistakenly shows the alleyway of these townhomes labeled as Asbury Lane.  This alleyway currently doesn’t have a name and neither do any of the alleyways in Asbury Circle.       
Also, it appears that there will no longer be a vehicle entrance from the Asbury Circle community and from Commercial Drive directly into the Addison Town Center.  Please look into these plans because they don’t reflect what is there today. 
Thank you. 
Jane P. Lenz
3942 Asbury Lane
Addison, TX  75001

Chair Kathryn Wheeler closed the public hearing.

Motion: Recommended approval of the request without conditions
  Comments from Jane Lenz, 3942 Asbury Lane, Asbury Circle Townhomes, Addison:

Planning & Zoning Commissioners and Addison Staff and Officers:
I’m very pleased with the overall plans to build a small office building with retail space in the property at the entrance to the Asbury Circle townhomes, the community where I live.  Please note the following:
The plans fail to accommodate the bus stop that is currently on the corner of Business Avenue  and Belt Line.  According to the “Midway to Marsh Belt Line 1.5” design plans, which are currently being implemented by the contractors of the Addison Parks Department, that bus stop should at least contain a standard black metal bench and garbage receptacle. As Belt Line is being refurbished and as new developers (such as Addison Grove) implement their plans, they are all working with DART and the Addison Parks staff to create pedestrian and commuter spaces on Belt Line that will increase the walkability of Belt Line and add to the ease of traveling the “last mile” to the new Silver Line rail service.   
Although the plans for 3820 Belt Line mention that the Addison Parks Department has approved the streetscape plans, nowhere in these plans are the specific Belt Line 1.5 finishes and street furniture and landscaping addressed.  Why not?

What will 3820 Belt Line look like from Belt Line?  How will pedestrians walking on Belt Line enter this property, if they wish to?  Will there be a cut out leading into the parking lot where pedestrians can safely navigate their way to the stores and offices.

Will the sidewalks, any walls and other finishes match the materials and design being implemented along the rest of Belt Line in this area?
Commercial Drive on the location map of the cover of the presentation is drawn differently than it is now.  Currently Commercial Drive turns west in back of 3820 Belt Line and continues west in front of Addison Town Center until it exits at Marsh Road. I believe this is also considered a Fire Lane since there is no parking allowed on this street.

On your location map, Commercial Road is shown turning south into the Asbury Circle Community.  The westernmost street in Asbury Circle isn’t named Commercial Drive, it’s named Asbury Lane, which circles the Asbury Circle community.  The addresses of the westernmost townhomes are “Asbury Lane” not “Commercial Drive.”   Your location map mistakenly shows the alleyway of these townhomes labeled as Asbury Lane.  This alleyway currently doesn’t have a name and neither do any of the alleyways in Asbury Circle.       
Also, it appears that there will no longer be a vehicle entrance from the Asbury Circle community and from Commercial Drive directly into the Addison Town Center.  Please look into these plans because they don’t reflect what is there today. 
Thank you. 
Jane P. Lenz
3942 Asbury Lane
Addison, TX  75001
  Moved by Commissioner Tom Souers, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Craig
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.