September 15, 2020 
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road
Present: Chair Kathryn Wheeler; Vice Chair Eileen Resnik; Commissioner Robert Catalani; Commissioner Nancy Craig; Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco; Commissioner John Meleky; Commissioner Tom Souers
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Discuss and take action regarding approval of the minutes of the August 18, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.   
  Moved by Commissioner John Meleky, Seconded by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
2. Case 1809-Z/Baumann Building. Discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on a .57-acre property located at 4901 Arapaho Road, which property is currently zoned PD, Planned Development, through Ordinance O04-048, by approving a new PD district, to allow a 5-story mixed use building.   
  Commissioner Souers inquired about the applicant wanting an answer on the issue on the night of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Charles Goff responded that he did not have the opportunity to speak with the applicant about the timeline for the project after the call with the FAA and TXDOT the day prior.

Commissioner Resnik inquired as to who was the ultimate decision maker on the project as there is a concern that the proposed development would cause the FAA to revoke future funding from the Addison Airport. Charles Goff responded that the FAA would be the ultimate decision maker as to whether the town would be in violation of FAA grant assurances if a residential use is allowed within the airport noise contours.

Commissioner DeFrancisco requested that, if the issue were further tabled, that Charles Goff communicate with the applicant that the proposed plans must be complete and that such plans must meet requirements laid out by the Master Transportation Plan. Charles Goff responded that the Addison Development Services Department would use the following month to communicate with the applicant and the applicant's architectural team to ensure that the plans come as close as possible to compliance with the Master Transportation Plan.

The applicant, Bob Baumann, and the applicant's representative, Dan Anderson, answered questions from the council. They also stated that other developments that include residential use in the DFW metroplex have been completed within the same noise contour of an airport but conceded to wait for a response from the FAA as to whether the building would violate the grant assurances. Mr. Anderson also requested that the commission approve the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Chair Wheeler asked Charles Goff for a staff recommendation on approving the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Charles Goff responded that there were still issues with the submitted plans and that it would not be recommended for the commission to move forward with the approval process. The commission agreed that the plans should not be approved as shown.

The commission discussed tabling the item for another month to allow the FAA to respond and give a definite answer on grant assurances to the the Addison Airport, as well as allowing the applicant to present completed plans to staff.

Motion: Table the request until October 20, 2020 P&Z Commission hearing in order to allow the FAA time address the funding issues and allow the applicant to submit completed plans.
  Moved by Commissioner John Meleky Discussion:
Charles Goff, Director of Development Services, presented the Staff Report.

Commissioner Souers inquired about the applicant wanting an answer on the issue on the night of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Charles Goff responded that he did not have the opportunity to speak with the applicant about the timeline for the project after the call with the FAA and TXDOT the day prior.

Commissioner Resnik inquired as to who was the ultimate decision maker one the project as there is a concern that the proposed development would cause the FAA to revoke future funding from the Addison Airport. Charles Goff responded that the ultimate decision maker as to whether the town would be in violation of FAA grant assurances if a residential use is allowed within the airport noise contours would be the FAA.

Commissioner DeFrancisco requested that, if the issue were further tabled, that Charles Goff communicate with the applicant that the proposed plans must be complete and that such plans must meet requirements laid out by the Master Transportation Plan. Charles Goff responded that the Addison Development Services Department would use the following month to communicate with the applicant and the applicant's architectural team to ensure that the plans come as close as possible to compliance with the Master Transportation Plan.

The applicant, Bob Baumann, and the applicant's representative, Dan Anderson, answered questions from the council. They also stated that other developments that include residential use in the DFW metroplex have been completed within the same noise contour of an airport but conceded to wait for a response from the FAA as to whether the building would violate the grant assurances. Mr. Anderson also requested that the commission approve the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Chair Wheeler asked Charles Goff for a staff recommendation on approving the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Charles Goff responded that there were still issues with the submitted plans and that it would not be recommended for the commission to move forward with the approval process. The commission agreed that the plans should not be approved as shown.

The commission discussed tabling the item for another month to allow the FAA to respond and give a definite answer on grant assurances to the the Addison Airport, as well as allowing the applicant to present completed plans to staff.

Motion: Table the request until October 20, 2020 P&Z Commission hearing in order to allow the FAA time address the funding issues and allow the applicant to submit completed plans., Seconded by Commissioner Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
  Moved by Commissioner John Meleky, Seconded by Commissioner Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
  Commissioner Souers inquired about the applicant wanting an answer on the issue on the night of the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Charles Goff responded that he did not have the opportunity to speak with the applicant about the timeline for the project after the call with the FAA and TXDOT the day prior.

Commissioner Resnik inquired as to who was the ultimate decision maker one the project as there is a concern that the proposed development would cause the FAA to revoke future funding from the Addison Airport. Charles Goff responded that the ultimate decision maker as to whether the town would be in violation of FAA grant assurances if a residential use is allowed within the airport noise contours would be the FAA.

Commissioner DeFrancisco requested that, if the issue were further tabled, that Charles Goff communicate with the applicant that the proposed plans must be complete and that such plans must meet requirements laid out by the Master Transportation Plan. Charles Goff responded that the Addison Development Services Department would use the following month to communicate with the applicant and the applicant's architectural team to ensure that the plans come as close as possible to compliance with the Master Transportation Plan.

The applicant, Bob Baumann, and the applicant's representative, Dan Anderson, answered questions from the council. They also stated that other developments that include residential use in the DFW metroplex have been completed within the same noise contour of an airport but conceded to wait for a response from the FAA as to whether the building would violate the grant assurances. Mr. Anderson also requested that the commission approve the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Chair Wheeler asked Charles Goff for a staff recommendation on approving the plans subject to the approval of the FAA. Charles Goff responded that there were still issues with the submitted plans and that it would not be recommended for the commission to move forward with the approval process. The commission agreed that the plans should not be approved as shown.

The commission discussed tabling the item for another month to allow the FAA to respond and give a definite answer on grant assurances to the the Addison Airport, as well as allowing the applicant to present completed plans to staff.

Motion: Table the request until October 20, 2020 P&Z Commission hearing in order to allow the FAA time address the funding issues and allow the applicant to submit completed plans.
3. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1816-Z/Addison Senior Living. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on a 11.607-acre property located at the southwest corner of Dallas Parkway and Excel Parkway, from PD, Planned Development, to a new PD district in order to allow a senior living development and future office development.   
Charles Goff, Director of Development Services, presented the Staff Report.

Commissioner Souers inquired as to how the Town would ensure that the fee in leu of an open space dedication would be used to purchase more park space throughout Addison. Charles Goff responded that the town has options as to how to dedicate the funds to park space and that this whichever option is used will be decided by City Council. Charles Goff also stated that the Town would use the Parks and Open Space Master Plan to guide the decision in purchasing new park space.

Commissioners Souers and Resnik requested more information on the green space that the applicant would be providing on the property and if it would be sufficient enough to not require a dedication of open space. Charles Goff responded that the applicant would be providing multiple different amenity spaces and private green space to their tenants, which will similar to green space provided by other multifamily developments of similar size. This amenity space includes a courtyard, an amenity space on top of the parking garage, and private landscaping throughout the development. Additionally Charles Goff stated that the applicant would be improving the surrounding streetscape to comply with the Master Transportation Plan, in turn widening the sidewalks and providing walking paths throughout the site.

Commissioner Resnik inquired as to how the Addison Senior Living would expand from 217 units to 248 units. Charles Goff responded that the developers have the opportunity to expand the portion of the building at the northeast corner of Addison Road and Excel Parkway to accommodate more units.

Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired as to whether or not the 0.48 acre open space requirement would fit on the development rather than using a fee in leu of dedication. Charles Goff responded that it the required dedication space would fit at the corner of the development's proposed urban pedestrian commercial collector street and Dallas Parkway. By consulting the Parks and Open Space Master Plan, Staff found that larger park space in other area of Addison would be preferable to open space in this location.

Commissioner DeFrancisco also inquired if the required 6-story office building on the lower portion of the property was the highest and best land use for the site. Charles Goff responded that the site has been difficult to market to office developers as there is a lack of access to the Tollway from this site. Additionally, a 6-story building allows developers to keep construction costs low, in turn keeping rental rates on par with the other office buildings in the area. Due to this, Staff believes that the office building requirements creates the best use for the remainder of the site.

The applicants, Gordon Gilmore, Peter Phillips, and Joe Seitzer, answered questions from the commission regarding the green space and amenity space that the development would provide to tenants. Chair Wheeler also inquired about the senior living rental rates. Peter Phillips responded that the rates will be comparable or slightly below the competitors in the metro area. Peter Phillips also went on to describe the other properties that the applicants completed and how Addison Senior Living will compare to their existing senior living facilities.

The commission requested a timeline for development of the project. The applicants proposed a 9 month design process followed by a 22 month development process, for a total project timeline of roughly 3 years.

Chair Kathryn Wheeler opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Kathryn Wheeler closed the public hearing.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request without conditions.
  Moved by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Seconded by Commissioner Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
NOTE: The Planning & Zoning Commission reserves the right to meet in Executive Session closed to the public at any time in the course of this meeting to discuss matters listed on the agenda, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, including §551.071 (private consultation with the attorney for the City). Any decision held on such matters will be taken or conducted in Open Session following the conclusion of the Executive Session.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.