< Printed Agenda

October 26, 2021


14681 MIDWAY RD. SUITE 200, ADDISON, TX 75001

Notice is hereby given that the Addison City Council will conduct a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at the Addison TreeHouse. Seating for members of the public will be available using CDC recommended social distancing measures. Telephonic or videoconferencing capabilities will be utilized to allow individuals to address the Council. Email comments may also be submitted to:iparker@addisontx.gov by 3:00 pm the day of the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to participate remotely via Toll-Free Dial-in Number: 877.853.5247; Meeting ID: 409.327.0683 Participant ID:#. For more detailed instructions on how to participate in this meeting visit our Agenda Page. The meeting will be live streamed on Addison's website atwww.addisontexas.net.

Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance

Closed (Executive) Session of the Addison City Council pursuant to:

Section 551.087, Texas Government Code, to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the City Council has received from a business prospect or business prospects that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the Town of Addison and with which the City Council is conducting economic development negotiations, and/or to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to such business prospect or business prospects:
  • Master Developer Finalists for the Addison Silver Line TOD
Reconvene in to Regular Session: In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, the City Council will reconvene into Regular Session to consider action, if any, on matters discussed in Executive Session.


1.   Present Citizen's Academy Graduation Certifications to the Citizen's Academy Class of 2021.


2.   Present and Discuss Aesthetic Changes to the DART Silver Line Station as Approved by the Art and Design Committee


3.   Present and Discuss the Results of the Compensation Market and Merit Survey Conducted by Town Staff.
4.   Present and Discuss the Council Calendar for November and December, 2021 and January 2022.





Announcements and Acknowledgments Regarding Town and Council Events and Activities

Discussion of Meetings / Events

Public Comment
The City Council invites citizens to address the City Council on any matter, including items on the agenda, except public hearings that are included on the agenda. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing starts. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise required by law. To address the Council, please fill out a City Council Appearance Card and submit it to a staff member prior to the Public Comment item on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take any action or discuss any item not listed on the agenda.  The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.

Consent Agenda
All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
5.   Consider Action on the Minutes from the October 12, 2021 City Council Meeting.


6.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Town of Addison and Weatherproofing Services for Roofing Restoration and Replacement at the Service Center, Fire Station 2, Addison Theatre Centre, Surveyor Pump Station, and the Addison Circle Pavilion and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $802,831.49.
7.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the Town of Addison and CTJ Maintenance for Custodial Services and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $199,773.84. 


8.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving the Purchase of (1) 2022  F-350 Crew Cab Truck, (1) 2022 Ford F-350 Crew Cab Dump Body Truck, and (1) 2022 Ford F-250 Crew Cab Service Body Truck from Silsbee Ford Through the Purchasing Cooperative Known as TIPS USA in an Amount Not to Exceed $157,673.50.


9.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the Town of Addison and Garver, LLC. for Construction Project Management Services Related to the Addison Athletic Club Renovations and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $69,950.


10.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Second Amendment to Ground Lease Between the Town of Addison and Duke’s Ice House, LLC for Commercial Aviation and Restaurant use on Property Located at 16101 Addison Road, Addison Airport, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Second Amendment.

Regular Items
11.   Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Commercial Lease Between the Town of Addison and Jani-King International, Inc. for The Cavanaugh Flight Museum’s Use on Property Located at 4572 Claire Chennault Drive, Addison Airport, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Commercial Lease.

Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Commercial Lease Between the Town of Addison and Jani-King International, Inc. for The Cavanaugh Flight Museum’s Use on Property Located at 4570 Claire Chennault Drive, Addison Airport, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Commercial Lease.

13.   Present, Discuss, and Consider Action to Approve an Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 (Businesses) of the Code of Ordinances by Reinstating Article VIII (Short Term Rentals), in order to Continue Regulating Short Term Rentals.



Adjourn Meeting

NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to meet in Executive Session closed to the public at any time in the course of this meeting to discuss matters listed on the agenda, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, including §551.071 (private consultation with the attorney for the City); §551.072 (purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property); §551.074 (personnel or to hear complaints against personnel); §551.076 (deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices); and §551.087 (economic development negotiations). Any decision held on such matters will be taken or conducted in Open Session following the conclusion of the Executive Session.

POSTED BY:     ________________________________
                           Irma G. Parker, City Secretary
DATE POSTED: ________________________________
TIME POSTED:  ________________________________
DATE REMOVED FROM BULLETIN BOARD:  ______________________
REMOVED BY:  ________________________________