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Item # 7.
Work Session and Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/24/2019  
Department: Public Works  

Consider Action on a Resolution Approving the Right of Entry Permit Between the Town of Addison and Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), for Entering a Property to Conduct Surveys, Geotechnical Investigations and Subsurface Utility Investigations, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Permit


The action would grant a Right-of-Entry Permit to Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for the purpose of conducting property surveys, utility location investigations, geotechnical investigations, and existing condition surveys in connection with DART's Silver Line Rail project.  The location of the permit is east of the Surveyor Pump Station and north of Arapaho Road. The surveys and investigations will be performed at DART's sole cost and expense.  The permit will include the right to video and photograph the existing conditions and the right to reasonable ingress and egress across the property. 

The property will be restored to its original condition, including back filling any bore holes and trenches.  DART's contractor will notify the Town at least 5 calendar days prior to entering the property.

The Right-of-Entry permit will expire on December 31, 2019, unless both DART and the Town agree to an extension.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Right of Entry Permit

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