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March 16, 2021 
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road
Chair Eileen Resnik; Vice Chair Tom Souers; Commissioner Robert Catalani; Commissioner Nancy Craig; Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco; Commissioner Denise Fansler; Commissioner John Meleky
Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Regular Agenda:
1. Discuss and take action regarding the selection of a Chair for the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Commission discussed nominations for Chair.

Motion: Nominate Eileen Resnik as the Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
  Moved by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Seconded by Vice Chair Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky

The Commission discussed nominations for Vice Chair.

Motion: Nominate Tom Souers as the Vice Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

  Moved by Chair Eileen Resnik, Seconded by Commissioner Robert Catalani
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
2. Discuss and take action regarding the approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
  Motion: Approval of the minutes as presented.
  Moved by Vice Chair Tom Souers, Seconded by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
3. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1821-Z/Addison Grove, Block A. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding a development plan for the development of Block A of the Addison Grove Addition, including a site plan, landscape plan, building elevations and floor plans for 16 townhomes and 17 live/work units, in an existing Planned Development District (PD), through Ordinance O16-003, located on approximately 1.034 acres addressed as 4120-4126 Belt Line Road, 14991-15015 Oak Street, and 4129-4147 Runyon Road.
Ken Schmidt, Director of Development Services, presented the Staff Report.
Vice Chair Souers inquired about on-street parking regulations and fire truck accessibility throughout the overall development. Ken Schmidt stated that this development consists of public streets and if overnight on-street parking becomes an issue, the Town will try to address accordingly. Ken Schmidt also stated that the plans were reviewed for compliance by the Fire Department.
Commissioner Fansler inquired whether the elevations are consistent between the townhomes and the multifamily building. Ken Schmidt confirmed that the exterior materials are consistent, the height of the live-work units along Belt Line Road is consistent with the multifamily building, and there would be a height transition from the live-work units to the townhome units.
The applicant, David Foor, with InTown Homes, answered questions from the Commission with regard to on-street visitor parking regulation and enforcement.
Chair Eileen Resnik opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing:
For: none
Against: none
On: Jose Iglesias, 4116 Runyon Rd, Addison, TX 75001. Mr. Iglesias stated that there is a lack of visitor parking to support the currently built homes and the planned addition of new townhomes and live/work units, and requested that additional visitor parking spaces be allocated by the developer.
Chair Eileen Resnik closed the public hearing.
The Commission discussed on-street parking issues on public streets and potential solutions. Ken Schmidt stated that this is something that could be addressed by property management, but that there is also an educational component for both the multifamily building and the townhome development with regard to parking provision in the ground floor of the multifamily parking structure.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request without conditions.
  Moved by Vice Chair Tom Souers, Seconded by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
NAY: Commissioner Robert Catalani
4. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1824-Z/TCA Middle School Addition. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding a development plan for the development of the first phase of the Trinity Christian Academy Master Concept Plan, including a site plan, landscape plan, preliminary utility and drainage plans, and building elevations for a new middle school building, in an existing Planned Development District (PD), through Ordinance O16-040, located on approximately 19.3 acres addressed as 17001 Addison Road.
Ken Schmidt, Director of Development Services, presented the Staff Report.
Vice Chair Souers requested clarification with regard to the proposed tree mitigation plans. Ken Schmidt stated that there would need to be additional coordination between Park Staff and the Arbor Foundation to ensure the intent of the funding is consistent with the Town’s vision.
Commissioner Fansler inquired about the removal of a tree located just outside of the proposed fire lane. Ken Schmidt responded that the scope of work includes extensive utility connections which may be the cause for the proposed tree removal, but that the applicant will be able to better address this question.
Commissioner Craig suggested the possibility of tree mitigation with caliper inches instead of dollar amounts.
Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired how the caliper inches being saved or replaced translate to the number of actual trees and whether there is opportunity to relocate trees within existing parking lots, on site. Ken Schmidt responded that the proposed tree replacement on this site is most consistent with approximately 70-95 trees and that removing parking spaces to accommodate trees may put the school out of compliance with the parking requirements.
Chair Resnik suggested that there is potential to explore additional tree planting along the western edge of the property, adjacent to the townhome neighborhood.
Vice Chair Souers, inquired whether it would be appropriate to add a condition to this case requesting that a tree plan be presented at a later date. Legal Counsel confirmed that would be appropriate. 
Chair Resnik inquired about the inconsistencies with circulation off of Sojourn Drive as shown on different plan pages. Ken Schmidt clarified that the overall site plan shows the final conditions, with all the phases built out, and the close-up site plan of the proposed new building shows the interim condition.
Commissioner Meleky indicated that even with the proposed final condition, there may still be circulation and traffic issues during peak hours for drop off and pickup.
The Commission discussed internal circulation as well as traffic issues off of Sojourn Drive and Addison Road during drop off and pickup.
Applicants, Dawn Booth with TCA, Bill Pitts with CBRE, Jeremy Roehr and Cesar Celis with GFF, and Tessa Phillips and Jeffrey Dolian with Kimley-Horn, answered questions from the Commission with regard to parking, queuing onto Sojourn Drive, internal circulation, construction timeline, new pickup and drop off procedures, tree mitigation, and construction phasing.
Chair Resnik opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Resnik closed the public hearing.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following condition:
  • The applicant shall provide the Town with a tree mitigation plan for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council.
  Moved by Vice Chair Tom Souers, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Craig
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
5. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1823-Z/4525 Belt Line Road. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 4525 Belt Line Road, currently zoned Planned Development (PD), through Ordinance 089-015, by amending the permitted uses and approving a Special Use Permit for a brewpub and restaurant with the sale of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption only.
Olga Chernomorets, Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired whether the proposal will result in a loss of parking. Olga Chernomorets responded that no parking spaces will be lost but later clarified that while several parking spaces are actually being removed to accommodate the new landscape islands throughout the parking lot, the site still complies with parking requirements.
Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired as to why the crape myrtles along Belt Line Road are not being mitigated. Olga Chernomorets stated that the Town does not require mitigation of ornamental trees.
Vice Chair Souers inquired whether requiring the applicant to fully comply with the 20% landscape requirement would put the site out of compliance with parking requirements. Olga Chernomorets stated that there is a balance that could be reached if the Commission wanted to include a condition to require the applicant to provide landscaping utilizing the 10 parking spaces by which the site is currently over the requirement.
Applicants, Robert Kirk with Kirk and Associates, Clint Norton with Oak’d BBQ, and Travis Bousquet with Bousquet Group, answered questions from the Commission with regard to improving existing landscape conditions, providing sidewalk improvements, and the proposed restaurant and brewery operation.
Chair Resnik opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Resnik closed the public hearing.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following condition:
  • The applicant shall not use any terms or graphic depictions that relate to alcoholic beverages in any exterior signage.
  Moved by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Seconded by Commissioner John Meleky
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
6. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1822-SUP/The Biscuit Bar. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 5294 Belt Line Road, Suite 106, which property is currently zoned PD, Planned Development, through Ordinance O19-22, by approving a Special Use Permit for a new restaurant with the sale of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption only.
Olga Chernomorets, Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report.
The applicant, Alicia Tomlin Barsoum, answered questions from the Commission regarding menu offerings.
Chair Resnik opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Resnik closed the public hearing.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following condition:
  • The applicant shall not use any terms or graphic depictions that relate to alcoholic beverages in any exterior signage, with the exception of their full business name, “The Biscuit Bar.”
  Moved by Commissioner John Meleky, Seconded by Vice Chair Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
7. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1825-SUP/ Dutch Bros Coffee. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on property located at 14310 Marsh Lane, which property is currently zoned Planned Development (PD) through Ordinance 007-034, as amended by ordinances O13-026, O16-017, O16-018, and O19-06, by approving a Special Use Permit for a new restaurant with drive-thru only service.
Olga Chernomorets, Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Fansler inquired about the possibility of relocating the northernmost driveway. Olga Chernomorets stated that while the Commission can propose changes internal to the site, the driveways have been approved as part of the PD process and are outside of the Commission’s purview at this time.
The applicant, Eric Nunally with TNS Architects, Austin Carr with Dunaway, Rob St. John with UDR, and Tony Scardino and Mandy Hurst with Dutch Bros Coffee, answered questions from the Commission with regard to traffic impacts and mitigation, internal circulation, and queuing of customer vehicles.
Chair Resnik opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Resnik closed the public hearing.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following condition:
  • The applicant shall work with Staff in order to establish an approved Traffic Control Plan for this site.
  Moved by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Seconded by Commissioner Robert Catalani
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
8. Discuss and take action on the 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report.
Commissioner Craig indicated a correction on Page 2, where the first paragraph should reference 2019 not 2020.
Vice Chair Souers inquired about the next steps in addressing the recommendations provided in the report. Ken Schmidt indicated that the goal is to create a work plan for the Commission.
Motion: Approval of the proposed 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report as corrected.
  Moved by Commissioner Nancy Craig, Seconded by Vice Chair Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Eileen Resnik, Vice Chair Tom Souers, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner Denise Fansler, Commissioner John Meleky
9. Discuss whether the Planning and Zoning Commission prefers to continue holding meetings virtually or return to in person meetings.
  The Commission discussed returning to in-person meetings and decided to continue with a virtual meeting for April 20th, and possibly a mix of in-person and virtual meetings after that.
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.

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