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December 15, 2020 
6:00 P.M. - Council Chambers
Addison Town Hall, 5300 Belt Line Road
Chair Kathryn Wheeler; Vice Chair Eileen Resnik; Commissioner Robert Catalani; Commissioner Nancy Craig; Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco; Commissioner John Meleky; Commissioner Tom Souers
Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Regular Agenda:
0. Discuss and take action regarding approval of the minutes of the May 16, 2017 OCTOBER 20, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
  Motion: Approval of the minutes as presented.
  Moved by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Seconded by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
1. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1819-Z/4135-4145 Belt Line Road. Public hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing the zoning on properties located at 4135 and 4145 Belt Line Road, from LR, Local Retail, to a PD, Planned Development District, based on LR with modified uses, in order to allow medical office use.
Olga Chernomorets, Planning and Development Manager, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Craig inquired about the Town’s addressing requirements and enforcement. Olga Chernomorets responded that address posting is regulated by the Fire Department and Building Inspections.
Commissioner Resnik inquired about what restrictions the Commission can impose with regard to hours of operation. Olga Chernomorets responded that the while the Town doesn’t usually impose restriction on the hours of operation, the intent here would be to prevent 24 hour full service ambulatory services, for which the property is not suitable.
Commissioner Souers clarified that in a previous case, guidance was given from the Development Services Director, indicating that the Commission could impose specific hours of operation as a condition of the approval.
Commissioner Souers asked what advantages does the property gain by obtaining approval for this rezoning request, aside from the one potential tenant. Olga Chernomorets responded that the rezoning will now allow a spectrum of other medical use tenants, within the confines of the conditions for the rezoning. Additionally, this allows the property to come into compliance for the existing dental office, previously approved in error by staff.
Commissioner Souers inquired about the next opportunity the Town would have to enforce the Master Transportation Plan requirements, if they are not provided at this time. Olga Chernomorets responded that when the property owners comes back for the development of the currently vacant portion of the site, along Centurion Way, Staff would have the opportunity to enforce the Master Transportation Plan requirements at that time.
Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired whether the Commission would have the opportunity to enforce the Master Transportation Plan upon a Special Use Permit request. Olga Chernomorets indicated that typically the Town does not enforce the Master Transportation Plan requirements for Special Use Permits because those requests are specifically tied to the tenant space, and do not involve the property in its entirety like the request in front of the Commission today.
Commissioner Souers inquired why the Town, at the time of undergrounding the utilities, only constructed the western portion of the property’s frontage along Belt Line Road to the Master Transportation Plan requirements. Olga Chernomorets responded that the utility undergrounding was a capital project with a certain associated cost, and while the Master Transportation Plan was not yet adopted, it was well underway, so where it was cost permitting, without exceeding the allowance, the Town installed the sidewalks in accordance with the requirements.
Commissioner Souers stated that this is a good opportunity to enforce the Master Transportation Plan in place of the parking deficiency.
Commissioner Meleky agreed and stated that the scope of work necessary to comply with the Mater Transportation Plan along the eastern portion of this property is significantly less than having to redo the entire property.
Commissioner Souers and Commissioner Meleky stated that restriping the parking lot to provide a few additional parking spaces is not ideal given how small the spaces would become.
Commissioner DeFrancisco inquired why the recommendation includes restriction on surgical uses. Olga Chernomorets responded that this site is not suitable for more invasive types of medical uses and is more suitable for a medical office type of use or diagnostic center.
Commissioner Souers inquired whether a Special Use Permit would be required if the property owner had a potential surgical use tenant. Olga Chernomorets responded that the property owner would have to request a rezoning to include the surgical use as a permitted use and would be subject to review and approval by the P&Z Commission and the City Council. If the current zoning case is approved, any type of noninvasive medical office uses would be allowed on this property without a Special Use Permit.
Staff and Legal Counsel advised that if the Commission chose to restrict specific additional medical uses that they do not see as compatible on this property, they could do so, but are encourage to stay away from parsing through the many types of medical uses and specifically restricting certain ones. The Commission could provide restrictions for certain hours of operation and more broader distinctions such as medical office use verses invasive surgical uses.
The Commission and Staff discussed possible restrictions on hours of operation and how to best proceed and meet the Commission’s concerns without being too prescriptive.
The applicant, Kiesha Kay, with Masterplan Texas, made a presentation and answered questions from the Commission regarding timing and compliance with the Master Transportation Plan, landscape requirements, existing parking nonconformance and costs for restriping and the sidewalk improvements, and the intent of the property owner is to make the necessary Master Transportation Plan improvements in order to receive approval of the overall request.
The Commission discussed the importance of having properties, especially along Belt Line Road, provide improvements to meet the Master Transportation Plan requirements. It does not appear that the Commission feels the parking nonconformance carries the same importance and would rather not restrict occupancy of Suite 216 in an effort to meet parking requirements.
Chair Kathryn Wheeler opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Kathryn Wheeler closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Souers inquired about the landscape percentage that is being proposed as part of this proposal. Olga Chernomorets indicated that all landscape requirements have been met.
The Commission discussed the sidewalk transition between this property and the adjacent property to the east, the acceptable hours of operation, and the need for the applicant to work with Staff after the meeting to revise the plans accordingly.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following conditions:
  • There shall be no surgical medical uses
  • Medical uses shall be open and operational no longer than 18 hours on any given day
  • The existing 304 parking spaces physically provided on site are sufficient for full occupancy of the two existing buildings, totaling 45,439.7 square feet
  • Prior to the issuance of a full Certificate of Occupancy of the new medical office tenant, the property owner shall make improvements along Belt Line Road in accordance with the Master Transportation Plan
  Moved by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Seconded by Commissioner Robert Catalani
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
2. PUBLIC HEARING Case 1820-SUP/Dart Station. Public Hearing, discussion, and take action on a recommendation regarding an ordinance changing an existing Special Use Permit, through Ordinances 097-055 and 002-002, located at 4925 Arapaho Road, to include a rail station as an allowed use and amend development plans, in order to allow a rail station at the Addison Transit Center.
Wilson Kerr, Economic Development Manager, presented the Staff Report.
Commissioner Souers inquired about the necessity of the condition requiring the conformance of the design guidelines set forth by the Addison Arts and Design Committee, if the plans show full compliance. Wilson Kerr stated that the condition could be removed if the Commission chooses.
Commissioner Resnik shared concerns of vandalism of art work at existing DART stations and inquired about the security measures proposed for the station and how that ties into the Addison Police Department.
Commissioner Souers inquired whether the landscape plans have been approved by the Parks Department. Wilson Kerr confirmed.
The applicant, Karl Crawley, Masterplan Texas, presented the item and answered questions from the Commission with regard to hours of operation, timeline of design and construction completion, platform and station circulation, pedestrian crossing safety measures, irrigation improvements, and long term and overnight parking provision for riders heading to the airport.
Chair Kathryn Wheeler opened the meeting as a public hearing.
Public Hearing: There were no speakers on this item.
Chair Kathryn Wheeler closed the public hearing.

Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following condition:
  • The rail station must be built in accordance with the design guidelines set forth by the Addison Art and Design Committee.
  Moved by Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Seconded by Commissioner John Meleky
NAY: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers

Commission discussed safety measures and feasibility of station security cameras being tied to the Addison PD or regional PD.
Motion: Recommend approval of the request with the following conditions:
  • The rail station must be built in accordance with the design guidelines set forth by the Addison Art and Design Committee.
  • The feed from the security cameras shall be available to the Addison Police Department, and/or other law enforcement agencies responsible for protecting the public.
  Moved by Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Seconded by Commissioner John Meleky
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
3. FINAL PLAT/LOT 1, BLOCK A, EXCEL PARKWAY ADDITION.  Presentation and Consideration of a Final Plat for a Lot Totaling 9.975 Acres Located Generally at 4545 Excel Parkway.

Wilson Kerr, Economic Development Manager, presented the staff report.

Motion: Approval of the request as presented.

  Moved by Commissioner John Meleky, Seconded by Commissioner Tom Souers
AYE: Chair Kathryn Wheeler, Vice Chair Eileen Resnik, Commissioner Robert Catalani, Commissioner Nancy Craig, Commissioner Chris DeFrancisco, Commissioner John Meleky, Commissioner Tom Souers
There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.

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