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Item # 3.a.
Joint Meeting - City Council/P&Z Comp Plan
Meeting Date: 10/17/2023  
Department: Development Services  
Pillars: Optimize the Addison Brand
Milestones: Continue to enhance and promote Addison's Identity
Promote and protect the Addison Way
Incorporate fiscal analysis in long-range planning
Prepare for the impact of new growth and development in Addison

Introduce and Discuss the Advance Addison Comprehensive Plan project and provide initial feedback on key themes to be addressed by the plan.
At the August 22, 2023 City Council meeting, City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with the selected planning consultant, Verdunity, to execute a scope of services for the Comprehensive Plan project. The scope reflects a robust and highly engaging planning effort that will help the Town address key policy issues. To support this planning process, the City Council appointed an Advisory Committee of 25 members at the September 26, 2023 meeting. This committee will serve as a sounding board for staff and the consultant as they develop the new comprehensive plan. CPAC members represent a diverse range of stakeholders, and their names and representative groups can be found on the project website here

Following project kickoff, the consultant and staff established a digital project hub, AdvanceAddison.com, that includes a Vibrant Communities Assessment to help the project team get a benchmark for what people think of Addison now as we plan for the future. The website also features a newsletter subscription for monthly project updates and events calendar for future engagement opportunities.

A public kickoff meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th at 6:30 pm at the Addison Conference Centre to begin the community dialogue addressing how we grow into 2050, with a brief presentation and interactive stations regarding the following discussion points:  
  • Revitalization of aging buildings and commercial centers 
  • Providing quality housing options 
  • Improving connectivity and walking/cycling options 
  • Enhancing and increasing our supply of public spaces 
  • Attracting and retaining businesses and their workforce 
These online resources and engagement opportunities were promoted through the Town website, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Next Door, the Town newsletter, National Night Out, a postcard mailed to all residential addresses, and through targeted outreach to key stakeholder groups. The first CPAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1st at 6:00 pm and will introduce the project, committee roles, and begin the dialogue surrounding future policy choices. 

The purpose of this Joint City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission meeting is to introduce the project team and project workplan, and to facilitate a discussion with the Council and Commission. The focus of this facilitated discussion will be to address any questions related to the project workplan and community engagement efforts, and to receive initial feedback on key themes to be addressed by the plan. 
Discuss the Advance Addison project workplan and community engagement efforts, and provide initial feedback on key themes to be addressed by the plan.
Presentation - Advance Addison Comprehensive Plan Kickoff Meeting

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