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Addison City Council Meeting
October 24, 2023
Addison Conference Centre
15650 Addison Road
Addison, Texas 75001

Amended 10/20/2023 - Corrected Resolution 5c
Amendment 10/26 - Questions/Answers; Park Bylaws


Email comments may be submitted using the Public Comment Form located on Addison's website by 3:00 PM on the meeting day. The meeting will be live-streamed at www.addisontexas.net.
The Addison City Council will convene in the Council Chambers beginning at 6:00 PM.
1.   Call Meeting to Order and Announce that a Quorum is Present.
Citizen Comments on the Consent Agenda Items. This item allows citizens to speak on any item listed on the Consent Agenda prior to its consideration. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise required by law. To address the Council, please fill out a City Council Appearance Card and submit it to a staff member prior to the beginning of this item.
3.   Council Member Clarification Requests Regarding Consent Agenda Items. 
4.   Council Questions and Answers.
5.   Closed Meeting. The Addison City Council will enter a Closed Meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551-071 through 090 to discuss the following item(s):
  • 551.071(1)(A) Consultation with Attorney to seek advice on pending or contemplated litigation
    • White Rock Chapel;
  • 551.071(2):  Consultation with Attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter;  
  • 551.087(1):  Economic Development Negotiations to discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations; and
  • Section 551.087(2):  Economic Development Negotiations to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by Subdivision (1).
    • Addison Circle Transit Oriented Development Project
6.   Open Meeting. In accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 551, the Addison City Council will reconvene in an Open Meeting to consider action, if any, on the matters discussed in the Closed Meeting.
7.   Work Session Reports
a.   Present and discuss Public Safety updates.

The Addison City Council will convene for a Council Meeting beginning at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers.
1.   Pledge of Allegiance. United States and Texas Flags
2.   Proclamations / Presentations
a.   City Manager's Announcements
b.   Employee Recognition
Public Comment. The City Council invites citizens to address the City Council on any matter, including items on the agenda, except public hearings that are included on the agenda. Comments related to Public Hearings will be heard when the specific hearing starts. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes, unless otherwise required by law. To address the Council, please fill out a City Council Appearance Card and submit it to a staff member prior to the Public Comment item on the agenda. The Council is not permitted to take any action or discuss any item not listed on the agenda. The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.
Consent Agenda. All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion with no individual consideration. If individual consideration of an item is requested, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately.
a.   Consider action on the minutes from the October 10, 2023 City Council Meeting.  
b.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a service agreement between the Town of Addison and the Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce in an amount not to exceed $38,500.
c.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement between the Town of Addison and Addison Arbor Foundation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an amount not to exceed $65,000.  
d.   Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Grant Funding Agreement Between the Town of Addison and Metrocrest Services and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $139,653.  
e.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement between the Town of Addison and Outcry Theatre and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,500.
f.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement with WaterTower Theatre and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreement in an amount not to exceed $425,000 in cash and in-kind contributions.  
g.   Consider action on a resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement between the Town of Addison and Dallas Cat Lady and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an amount not to exceed $5,000.  
h.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement between the Town of Addison and Dallas County Mental Health & Retardation d/b/a Metrocare Services and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,500.
i.   Consider action on a Resolution approving a Grant Funding Agreement with On Eagles Wings, Inc. d/b/a Woven Health Clinic and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Grant Funding Agreement in an amount not to exceed $6,500.
j.   Consider action approving an agreement with Sunbelt Pools for Swimming Pool repair work for the Addison Athletic Club in an amount not to exceed $339,743.00.
k.   Consider action on a resolution authorizing Town membership in the Texas Smart Buy purchasing cooperative.
l.   Consider action on an Ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 66 (Solid Waste) Article II (Collection And Disposal), Division 2 (Service Charge) Section 66-52 increasing from $13.24 to $14.28 the monthly fee for each residential unit.
m.   Consider Action on a Resolution Adopting an Investment Strategy and Approving Brokers, Dealers, and Financial Institutions for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
n.   Resolution approving an Events Agreement between the Town of Addison and DCO Realty, Inc. for the management, operation, coordination, and control of a variety of events at Vitruvian Park and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement in an amount not to exceed $185,000.
5.   Items for Individual Consideration.
a.   Present, discuss and consider action on a Resolution approving a fifth Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town of Addison and Developer AMLI Residential for the Addison Circle Area Transit Oriented Mixed-Use Development Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the fifth Amended and Restated MOU.
b.   Consider action on a Resolution to approve a Master Lease Agreement between the Town of Addison and Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), setting forth the terms and conditions of a ground lease of DART’s Addison Transit Center property for inclusion in a future Transit Oriented Development (TOD) project.
c.   Present, discuss and consider action on a Resolution for appointments to the South Quorum Road Study Advisory Committee.
d.   Consider action to approve a Resolution for an agreement with Granicus for website design services for the Town's main website, intranet, and four (4) subsites; and to authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement in an amount not to exceed $76,240.
Items of Community Interest. The City Council will have this opportunity to address items of community interest, including: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the Town of Addison; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event that was or will be attended by an Addison City Council member or an official; and, announcements involving an eminent threat to public health and safety in Addison that has arisen since posting this agenda.
7.   Adjourn Meeting.

NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to meet in a Closed Meeting at any time during this meeting to discuss matters listed on the agenda, as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Any decision held on such matters will be conducted in an Open Meeting following the conclusion of the Closed Meeting.

Posted by: _________________________________________
Date posted: 10/19/2023 Time posted: 6:30 pm
Date removed from bulletin board: ______________________
Removed by: _______________________________________

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