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Item # 4.f.
City Council (FY24)
Meeting Date: 10/10/2023  
Department: Public Works  
Pillars: Excellence in Asset Management
Milestones: Implement the Asset Management Plan in accordance with the Asset Management Policy, utilizing information systems

Consider action on a Resolution approving a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) between the Town of Addison and Pure Technologies to provide non-destructive testing of the transmission water main line and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement in an amount not to exceed $71,515.
The purpose of this item is to seek approval for a PSA with Pure Technologies to perform non-destructive testing on the water transmission main line between the Celestial Pump Station and Addison Circle Water Tower.

The transmission main, originally installed in 1984 using Reinforced Concrete Cylinder Pipe, spans from the Celestial Pump Station to the Addison Circle Water Tower with a substantial portion under Quorum Drive. The primary objective of this testing is to identify any potential repair needs prior to the Quorum Drive Reconstruction Project.

Exhibit A of the PSA provides a detailed description of the condition assessment services. The selection of Pure Technologies for these services was based on their specialization in condition assessments and expertise in underground infrastructure solutions.

This service received approval as part of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget process as a decision package and will be funded from the Fiscal Year 2024 Utility budget.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Pure Technologies US Inc.

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