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Item # 5.c.
City Council
Meeting Date: 09/26/2023  
Department: Development Services  
Pillars: Optimize the Addison Brand
Milestones: Continue to enhance and promote Addison's Identity
Prepare for the impact of new growth and development in Addison

Present, discuss, and consider action on a Resolution for appointments to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). 
At the August 22, 2023 City Council meeting, City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with the selected planning consultant, Verdunity, to execute a scope of services for the Comprehensive Plan update. The scope reflects a robust and highly engaging planning effort that will help the Town address key policy issues related to:
  • Growth And Redevelopment
  • Housing
  • Infrastructure and Mobility
  • Social Amenities
  • Fiscal Sustainability
This plan will include formal and informal community engagement events, individual interviews and focus groups, as well as web-based engagement mechanisms that allow residents to engage in the process at their own convenience. The City Council's comprehensive plan discussion can be viewed here. To support this planning process, the City Council will appoint an Advisory Committee of up to 25 members. This committee will serve as a sounding board for staff and the consultant as they develop the new comprehensive plan. It will include:
  • 1 Planning and Zoning Commission member – selected by the P & Z Chairman.
  • 21 resident/business community members – 3 selections for each Council member (requires one business community member selection per Council member).
  • 3 legacy members (residents with a long history of service to the Town who can share context on how the Town has evolved) – selected by collective decision of the Council.
Staff has solicited applications through promotion on the Town website, Facebook, Instagram, Next Door, the Town newsletter and business newsletter, and through targeted outreach to key stakeholder groups. The application process concluded on Monday, September 18. In total, the Town received 54 applications, comprising 37 resident applicants and 17 business community applicants. When considering committee appointments, staff recommends that the City Council takes into consideration the following selection attributes, where feasible:  
  • Location:
    • Selected committee members should reflect representation for each geographic region of the Town.
  • Demographics:
    • Selected committee members should reflect Addison's diverse demographics, and should be inclusive of key demographics that are less frequently represented on Town advisory committees. Young professionals and renters comprise a large segment of Addison's resident population and workforce, and it is important for those groups to be represented in this long-range planning process.
  • Experience:
    • Selected committee members should reflect a broad range of professional and life experiences, reflecting the varied interests that comprise Addison's resident and business community.
  • Perspective:
    • Selected committee members should be inclusive of varied perspectives on the future of Addison. The committee would be well-served to accommodate divergent perspectives on key policy issues that the Town must address.
  • Availability:
    • Selected committee members should be able to commit to participate throughout the process. This includes both attending and preparing for CPAC meetings.
  • Compatibility:
    • Selected committee members should demonstrate capacity and commitment to work collaboratively with other committee members, Town staff, and the planning consultant. Members that are not able to communicate effectively and professionally can be detrimental to the effectiveness of committees like this.

At the September 19th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, The Commission Chair appointed Vice Chair Denise Fansler to represent the Commission on the CPAC. With this item, staff requests that City Council make the 24 remaining appointments to the CPAC.
Staff requests Council direction.
Resolution - CPAC Appointments
Presentation - Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Appointments
Applications - Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee
Location Map - Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Applicants

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