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Item # 4.b.
City Council
Meeting Date: 09/26/2023  
Department: Parks & Recreation  
Pillars: Optimize the Addison Brand
Milestones: Promote and protect the Addison Way

Consider action on a Resolution approving a construction services agreement with APR Group, Inc. (APR) for Addison Athletic Club Fitness Wing Wall Treatments- Greenscreen Installation and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement in an amount not to exceed $178,894.
In the third quarter of 2021, Parks & Recreation staff received several complaints about mismatched brick on the south side of the Addison Athletic Club fitness wing. Additionally, nearby residents complained about the amount of sound from the HVAC system bouncing off the same wall. In preparing for the Fiscal Year (FY) 22/23 budget, staff contemplated solutions to solve both issues separately. In February 2022, Recreation and General Services staff solicited prices from a local professional paint contractor to stain the mismatched brick at a cost of approximately $55,000. This cost, along with a very limited 2-year warranty, made the selection of the brick staining method impractical. It was determined that the cost of repainting the brick at least two more times would be enough to pay for an alternative solution to provide a Greenscreen Trellis with climbing vines, which would mitigate both issues. The Greenscreen project would cover the discolored brick, reduce future brick staining costs, and help to dampen sound from the HVAC equipment. 

On September 13, 2022, the Town of Addison's Annual Budget for FY 2023 was approved as presented. Included in the approved budget was Decision Package #2, proposed by the Recreation Self-Funded Special Projects Fund, titled "Addison Athletic Club Fitness Wing- Wall Treatments" for $192,459. The approved project included costs for professional services and construction. 

The final bid package, developed by Kimley-Horn, contains an Owner's Contingency line item for $10,000 to use for change orders if necessary. Competitive Sealed Proposal requests were issued in Bidsync on August 1, 2023 with a closing date of August 24, 2023. Only one proposal was received. That proposal is summarized in the table below. 
BASE BID $178,894

Purchasing and Parks & Recreation staff scored the proposal using information supplied by the contractor. The evaluation criteria and results are shown in the table that follows:
Proposed Contract Price
(50 points maximum)
Previous Experience with Similar Projects- References
(25 points maximum)
Personnel, Suppliers and Subcontractors
(10 points maximum)
Proposed  Project Schedule, Sequencing and Construction Time/ Calendar Days
(15 points maximum)

This project is highly specialized in using a proprietary product and staff did not expect to have much competition for the project. For this reason, we believe that if the project were re-advertised, the results would not change. Although APR is the only vendor that submitted a proposal, they scored very highly and recently placed second in the Vitruvian Fitness Court Slab project. For both Addison projects proposed by APR, their references gave them outstanding ratings for customer service, loyalty, precision of work, clean-up, and responsiveness to customer requests. One reference commented, "If it were not for APR Group taking over for a contractor who walked off a recreation center remodel project, the work would have never been completed." 

The overall project budget was $192,459 with a professional service contract for $18,200, which leaves a construction balance of $174,259. The Parks & Recreation and Finance departments recommend accepting APR's offer of $178,894, noting that the overage of $4,635 can be funded from existing appropriations in the Self-Funded Special Projects Fund. Based on qualifications presented by APR for this project, staff deemed that their offer represents the best value to the Town of Addison based on the published evaluation criteria.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - AAC Fitness Wing and Contract

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