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Item # 9.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/13/2023  
Department: Public Works  
Pillars: Excellence in Asset Management
Excellence in Transportation Systems
Milestones: Effectively utilize and promote the Silver Line development with a first mile/last mile solution
Establish an intentional culture throughout the organization that is based on continuous improvement, excellence, and adherence to our core values

Present, discuss, and consider action on a Resolution approving an agreement for professional engineering services between the Town of Addison and Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. for the design of the Quorum Drive Reconstruction Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement in an amount not to exceed $4,421,647.
The purpose of this item is to approve a professional services agreement for the design of the reconstruction of Quorum Drive from the DART railroad, just north of Arapaho Road, south to Dallas Parkway.

As part of Proposition B in the 2019 bond election, voters approved a total of $26.3M for the Quorum Drive Reconstruction Project. This included $23.4M for civil work and $2.9M for placemaking.  

In October 2022, an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) was posted on Bidsync for the design services needed for the project. The RFQ closed on November 21, 2022, with a total of ten Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) received. Following the evaluation, the selection committee chose the top two engineering firms for interviews. Ultimately, Teague Nall & Perkins (TNP) was selected as the most qualified for the project. Town staff then began negotiations with TNP, successfully developed a work scope, and finalized an agreement.

A complete scope of services can be found in exhibit "A" of the agreement, but it generally includes:
  • Placemaking and urban design visioning
  • Public involvement meetings
  • Reports and schematic plans
  • Subsurface utility engineering and coordination
  • Design of water, illumination, wastewater, drainage, traffic signals, and roadway
  • Design of public spaces, landscape, irrigation, and aesthetics
  • Procurement support services
  • Right-of-way and easement preparations and acquisition
  • Geotechnical services
  • Preparation of construction packages
  • Project media, recognition, and awards
The proposed $4,421,647 design fee aligns with the cost estimates performed as part of the 2019 bond election.
In addition to the $26.3M as part of the 2019 bond election, an additional $489K in the Self-Funded Streets Fund is available. This brings the total project budget to $26,791,409.  The design is anticipated to take approximately 18 months to complete.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Teague Nall & Perkins
Presentation - Quorum Drive Design

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