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Item # 15.
Council Meeting 2023
Meeting Date: 10/25/2022  
Department: Public Works  
Pillars: Excellence in Asset Management
Milestones: Effectively utilize and promote the Silver Line development with a first mile/last mile solution

Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Contract Agreement Between the Town of Addison and Texas Standard Construction, LTD. for Construction Services for the Town of Addison Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage and ADA Improvements and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,903,640.76.
The purpose of this item is to award a construction contract for the Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage and ADA Improvements Project. This project was identified in the Stormwater Master Plan completed by Halff and Associates in 2017.

The scope of work for this project includes paving, ADA improvements, storm drainage improvements, utility adjustments, and landscaping.

In January 2021, the City Council authorized a Professional Services Agreement with Criado and Associates, Inc. (Criado) to perform the necessary design for this project. The design was completed in June 2022.

On August 16, 2022, the Town advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) for Construction Services for the Rawhide Creek Basin Drainage and ADA Improvements Project through CIVCAST as proposal number 22-75. Five (5) sealed proposals were received, ranging in price from $1,903,640.76 to $4,135,323.00, and opened by the Town on August 30, 2022. The proposals were evaluated by a committee on price, experience with similar projects, proposed project team, and references. The evaluation results are shown in the table below:
Vendor Score
Texas Standard Construction 98
Capko Concrete Structures 80.8
Joe Funk Construction 76.2
Maya Underground Contractors 74.3
Atkins Brothers 58

The highest-ranked proposal was submitted by Texas Standard Construction LTD (Texas Standard). The Texas Standard proposal exhibited strong experience in paving and utility projects on a wide variety of scopes and values. Criado checked references and also recommended awarding Texas Standard the contract. 

If approved, the construction work is anticipated to commence by the end of November 2022 and is expected to take approximately ten months to complete. The work associated with this project is included and within the overall project budget of $3,350,000 in the Fiscal Year 2023 Utility – Stormwater Capital Improvement funds.

The project, bid plans, bid specifications, and addendums can be found on the project website at the link below:
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Rawhide Creek Drainage Basin and ADA Improvements
Criado Recommendation Letter
Texas Standard Proposal

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