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Item # 16.
Council Meeting 2023
Meeting Date: 11/08/2022  
Department: Airport  
Pillars: Excellence in Transportation Systems
Milestones: Leverage Airport assets to maximize business growth and expansion
Implement the Asset Management Plan in accordance with the Asset Management Policy, utilizing information systems
Establish an intentional culture throughout the organization that is based on continuous improvement, excellence, and adherence to our core values

Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Agreement with Garver, LLC for Professional Engineering Services for the Reconstruction of Jimmy Doolittle Drive and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $137,000.
The purpose of this item is to request the award of a contract for professional engineering services, including design, surveying, and bidding services for the reconstruction of Jimmy Doolittle Drive.

Jimmy Doolittle Drive provides access to the Airport Administration and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility, along with access to several other airport tenant facilities. The street is asphalt and in a failed condition, requiring reconstruction. Jimmy Doolittle Drive is an airport access street that does not meet current standards and is not a dedicated city street. Reconstruction will include widening to meet current standards, improvement of storm drainage, and construction of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.

Garver, LLC was recently selected as the airport's engineer of record for federally funded projects through a competitive process. The airport also has an on-call engineering services agreement in place with Garver; under the Fiscal Year 2022 on-call agreement, Garver performed limited preliminary design work for the proposed improvements of Jimmy Doolittle Drive. They are both familiar with the project and have demonstrated capability to perform the work.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Jimmy Doolittle Design Contract

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