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Item # 19.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 08/23/2022  
Department: Police  
Pillars: Gold Standard in Public Safety

Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Approving an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Grapevine, Texas for the Provision of Detention Center Services for Addison Inmates and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement.
In October 2016, the Addison Police Department contracted the City of Carrollton Police Department Detention Center to house our arrestees and inmates through an Interlocal Agreement (ILA). This ILA was first approved by Council on September 13, 2016.  Council approved a revised ILA with the City of Carrollton on November 27, 2018, which added a flat-rate fee for county jail transports and reimbursement for EMS services at the jail.

On December 16, 2021, the Town was notified by the City of Carrollton of their intent to terminate the Interlocal Agreement regarding our use of their detention facility, effective September 30, 2022.

After a thorough search, staff identified the City of Grapevine Police Department as a viable partner to provide detention services for Addison inmates. Grapevine agreed to provide detention services at an annual cost of $324,161. This fee was calculated using a three-year average of the number of arrests by the Addison Police Department from 2019-2021, for an average of 1,139 arrests. This agreement provides for an annual recalculation of costs, based on a rolling three-year average of arrests.  If arrest numbers increase or decrease from this average, there will be a proportional increase or decrease in costs respectively. 

While these costs are significantly higher than budgeted amounts under the ILA with the City of Carrollton, it is still a significant savings when compared to reopening and operating our own detention facility.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Grapevine Jail ILA

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