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Item # 7.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 03/22/2022  
Department: Parks & Recreation  
Pillars: Excellence in Asset Management
Excellence in Transportation Systems
Milestones: Effectively utilize and promote the Silver Line development with a first mile/last mile solution
Establish an intentional culture throughout the organization that is based on continuous improvement, excellence, and adherence to our core values

Consider Action on a Resolution Approving a Construction Services Agreement with North Rock Construction, LLC for Redding Trail Drainage and Amenity Improvements, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $453,579.34 and Establishing a Project Budget in an Amount Not to Exceed $585,129.34.
In May of 2021, a professional service agreement with Parkhill was authorized for engineering services for proposed drainage improvements along the Redding Trail in the amount of $48,000.  The proposed drainage improvements include grading for a drainage swale, construction of a concrete pilot channel, and landscape restoration within the segment of the Redding Trail Corridor that is adjacent to Canot Lane.  Funds were allocated for this project in the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY2022) Stormwater Fund budget.   

In May of 2021, a second professional service agreement with Parkhill was authorized to provide landscape architecture services related to proposed amenity improvements along the Redding Trail in the amount of $13,550. The proposed amenity improvements include the replacement of wood timber retaining walls with a modular concrete wall system, replacement of concrete pavers at two seating areas with clay pavers, replacement of existing wood benches and refurbishment of the landscape around the seating nodes. Funds for the proposed amenity improvements were approved by voters in the 2019 Bond Election and are included in the FY2022 budget. 

The drainage and amenity improvements were issued for competitive sealed proposal on Periscope (formerly Bid Sync) on January 13, 2022, under Bid Number 22-56. Proposals for the Drainage Improvements are identified in the plans and specifications as Package One and proposals for the amenity improvements are identified as Package Two. Two proposals were received on February 8, 2022 and the tabulation of those bids is shown in the table below. Package Two, for the amenity improvements, did include two alternate bid items for the construction of a concrete slab for an outdoor fitness court and the installation of the fitness equipment at Les Lacs Park. On March 8th, Council directed staff to locate the outdoor fitness court at Vitruvian Park therefore, the alternate bid items are not provided in the bid tabulation.

 Contractor North Rock Construction Procure Services
Package One - Drainage Improvement Project $283,394.70   $252,296.52  
Package Two - Amenity Improvement Project $170,184.64   $173,886,98  
Total Combined Projects Bid  Amount $453,579.34   $426,183.50  
Length of Construction (Calendar Days)

Staff and Parkhill scored the proposals using information supplied by the contractors. The evaluation criteria and results are shown in the table that follows:  
  North Rock Construction  Procure Services
Proposed Contract Price (50 points) 43.8 50
Previous Experience with Similar Projects
(25 points)
25 13
Proposed Construction Schedule / Sequencing (10 points) 10 10
Proposed Construction Time (15 points) 15 15
Total Score 93.8 87.5

While their proposed project cost is slightly higher, staff and the consultant believe North Rock Construction's experience and positive references make them a better partner for this project.  Staff requests Council consider approval of the contract with North Rock Construction for Package One and Package Two, include a project contingency in the amount of $70,000, and establish a total project budget of $585,129.34.  Package One has an allocated contingency amount of $45,000 and the remaining $25,000 of the contingency is allocated for Package Two.  Both proposed packages are below their respective budgets of $330,00 for Package One and $200,000 for Package Two.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - North Rock Construction Services Agreement
Specifications and Contract Documents - North Rock Construction

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