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Item # 12.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/14/2021  
Department: Parks & Recreation  
Pillars: Gold Standard in Customer Service
Milestones: Continue development and implementation of the Long-Term Financial Plan


Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Confirming the Town's Intent to Participate in the 2021 National Fitness Grant Program; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Such Documents as May Be Necessary to Confirm the Town's Participation in the Program.

The Parks Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, adopted by the City Council in April of 2019, recommends adding outdoor fitness stations at Les Lacs Park (reference the PROS plan page F-15, Site Recommendations).  As a result of this recommendation, the addition of a shaded outdoor fitness station, adjacent to Les Lacs Park, was included in Proposition C of the 2019 Bond Election, which was approved by Addison voters. 

Staff applied for a $25,000 National Fitness Grant that is facilited by National Fitness Campaign (NFC) and the Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS).  The grant must be used for the purchase of an NFC outdoor fitness court.  Addison was selected as one of twenty cities in Texas to recieve the grant.  This agenda item is to consider approval of a resoltuion to accept the grant.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - National Fitness Grant Acceptance

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