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Item # 13.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/14/2021  
Department: Parks & Recreation  
Pillars: Gold Standard in Customer Service

Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on a Resolution Approving the Purchase of Outdoor Fitness Court Equipment from National Fitness Campaign LLC In Connection with the City's Participation in the 2021 National Grant Program; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Grant Match in the Form of a Purchase Order for the Fitness Equipment in an amount not to exceed  $124,265.00
The Parks Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, adopted by the City Council in April of 2019,  recommends adding outdoor fitness stations at Les Lacs Park (reference the PROS plan page F-15, Site Recommendations).  As a result of this recommendation, the addition of a shaded outdoor fitness station, adjacent to Les Lacs Park, was included in Proposition C of the 2019 Bond Election, which was approved by Addison voters.  This agenda item is to consider a resolution to purchase the fitness equipment from National Fitness Campaign.  Construction of the concrete pad and installation of the equipment will be included in a separate construction project that is currently in design.

In order to select the appropriate fitness equipment for Addison, staff visited parks in the metroplex that had outdoor fitness equipment fabricated by three different manufacturers.  Staff identified the fitness court by National Fitness Campaign (NFC) as the most durable equipment with the most fitness opportunities.  The NFC court offers a system built around 7 movements in 7 minutes and is geared towards people of all abilities.  Court users may also download an app that offers free workouts created by trainers. 

NFC offers a base fitness court that has one color scheme and a standard graphic.  Different color schemes and graphics are available for an additional cost.  Staff provided Addison residents four color/graphic options which are illustrated in the attached presentation and a description is listed below:   

Option 1 - Base Course & Standard Graphic (no additional Cost)
Option 2 - Green Color & Standard Graphic (+$5,000)
Option 3 - Standard Color & Custom Photo Graphic (+8,500)
Option 4 - Custom Color & Custom Graphic (+13,500)

The color / graphic options were presented to Addison residents during a public input meeting held on August 25, 2021.  During this meeting, residents were asked to vote for their preferred option.  Residents that did not attend the meeting had the opportunity to provide their preference through an online survey.  Staff will make a presentation to Council presenting the overall survey results but Option 1 was the most selected preference of residents that participated in the survey.  The price in the resolution is an amount not to exceed the equipment and color scheme included in Option 4.  The price also reflects application of a grant which reduces the price of the equipment by $25,000.  The costs for the fitness court is consistent with estimates staff provided the Bond Election Committee.  The NFC outdoor fitness court is a patented system and is therefore purchased as a sole source item.  
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Equipment Purchase
Presentation - Fitness Equipment

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