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Item # 11.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 04/27/2021  
Department: Finance  
Pillars: Gold Standard in Financial Health
Milestones: Continuously improve processes and policies to include the voice of the customer and ensure the policies are easily accessible

Present, Discuss, and Consider Action on an Ordinance to Amend the Town’s Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2021 to Provide Funding for Conducting and Implementing a Compensation Market Study, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, Holiday in the Park, Signal Pole Replacements, Cardiac Monitors, Midway Road Reconstruction, and Prior Year Encumbrances.
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget was adopted by Council on September 8, 2020.  This is the first amendment for the FY2021 Town of Addison annual budget.

Each year, Finance staff reviews the budget to determine which items should be recognized with formal budget amendments. When budget variances occur that are outside of the authority of the City Manager these adjustments are presented to the Council in the form of a budget amendment.

During the FY 2021 budget process, Council gave direction to conduct market study, which was budgeted in FY 2020, but not conducted due to the pandemic.  An amendment is needed for cost of conducting the study in the amount of $25,000 to the Self-Funded Projects Fund.  On February 9, 2021 Council approved the results of that market study which includes increased appropriation in the General Fund in the amount of $545,000 for the remainder of FY 2021.  Additionally, Council gave direction on October 27, 2020 to conduct a holiday event that was not budgeted due to the pandemic and closure of the Conference Centre.  The appropriation requested for this event is $50,000.  Council accepted the Assistance to Firefighters Grant for FY 2019 on August 25, 2020 and approved a resolution to purchase Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus’ on September 22, 2020.  The expenditures were not part of the FY 2021 original budget, therefore, amendments of $3,766 and $86,668 are needed from the General Fund and Capital Equipment Replacement Fund, respectively.  In the General Fund additional Sales Tax of $598,766 offsets the increased appropriations. 

Residual bonds funds in the 2013 General Obligation Bond Fund are requested to be utilized for traffic signal pole replacements in the amount of $61,000 and to fund a portion of the Midway Road Reconstruction project in the amount of $147,000.

An amendment is needed in the 2014 General Obligation Bond Fund for a prior year encumbrance for the Belt Line 1.5 project in the amount of $170,000.

An amendment is needed in the 2018 Certificates of Obligation Bond Fund for a prior year encumbrance for the Customs Facility project in the amount of $1,350,000.  
An amendment is needed in the Self-Funded Projects Fund for prior year encumbrances for Trails Master Plan ($66,242), Addison Athletic Club Design ($33,750), Cityworks software implementation ($25,306), and Sojourn Drive Design ($7,500).  Additionally, an amendment is needed for the purchase of two Lifepak 15 Cardiac Monitors, approved by Council on December 8, 2020, in the amount of $98,400 utilizing Texas Ambulance Services Supplemental Payment Program funds that were received in October 2020.  

An amendment is needed in the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund for prior year encumbrances related to one police vehicle that was not delivered prior to October 1, 2020 and the outfitting of police vehicles that did not occur until after October 1, 2020 in the total amount of $135,000.

The table below illustrates the net impact the proposed budget amendment has on each fund and in total:
Fund Impact on Budgeted Expenditures Impact on Budgeted Revenues Impact on Fund Balance
General Fund $598,766 $598,766 $-
2013 GO Bonds $208,000 $- ($208,000)
2014 GO Bonds $170,000 $- ($170,000)
2018 CO Bonds $1,350,000 $- ($1,350,000)
Self-Funded Projects Fund $256,198 $- ($256,198)
Capital Equipment Replacement Fund $221,668 $- ($221,668)
     Total $5,721,262 $598,766 ($2,205,866)
The attachments reflect the proposed budget changes by fund in the ordinance and budget amendment summary.
Administration recommends approval.
Ordinance - Fiscal Year 2021 Mid-Year Budget Amendment
Presentation - Fiscal Year 2021 Mid-Year Budget Amendment

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