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Item # 4.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/22/2020  
Department: Parks & Recreation  
Pillars: Excellence in Asset Management
Milestones: Promote and protect the Addison Way

Consider Action on a Resolution to Approve a Contract with Lumar Corporation D/B/A Palm Springs Pool Service for Annual Fountain Maintenance and Repairs and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $126,888.

The Parks Department oversees the maintenance and repairs of fountains located at Quorum Park, Le Grande Landscape Island, Bosque Park, Addison Circle Park and Vitruvian through an annual maintenance contract with a vendor that provides those services. The scope of work consists of turnkey services for cleaning, chemical balancing, monitoring and routine maintenance of the fountains and equipment. The vendor also provides repair services on an as needed basis at a pre-determined hourly rate.  

Palm Springs Pool Service currently provides these services for the Town through a contract that was approved by Council in 2014 and included four additional annual renewals. Palm Springs' last annual renewal expired in the spring of this year. At that time, staff did not have enough information regarding maintenance of the interactive fountain at Addison Circle Park which operates as a splash pad. Staff desired to have a better understanding on how environmental factors and user loads would affect the frequency required to clean fountain nozzles, solenoids, valves and the surge tank to appropriately write a scope of work for bid specifications. To continue proper maintenance of all Town fountains, the Town requested an informal quote for continued fountain maintenance until the beginning of the new fiscal year. With the appropriate time working with interactive fountain at Addison Circle Park, staff was able to confidently write the correct scope of work and maintenance schedule for all Town fountains, including the new splash pad.

On July 14, 2020 the Town solicited bids on Bid Sync for Bid Number 20-178, Fountain and Splash Pad Maintenance – Annual Contract and received three competitive bids when bids closed on August 4, 2020. Below is a break-down of the bids received.

Bidder Palm Springs Pool Service USA Construction Lake Management Services
Annual Maintenance $99,900.00 $104,400.00 $101,760.00
Hourly Rate -Fountain Repairs $77 $85 $90
Hourly Rate - Additional Cleaning $45 $65 $90
Hourly Rate - Emergency Shut Down Splash Pad $95 $170 $150
Parts + Mark Up 20% 25% 20%

Based on the bids received Palms Springs Pool Service (PSPS) was identified as the low bidder.  The Town has a long relationship with this vendor and has had a great experience with the quality of their work. Staff recommends authorizing a contract with Palm Springs Pool Service for Annual Fountain and Splash Pad Maintenance Services in an amount not to exceed $126,888.  Of the total costs $99,900 would fund annual fountain maintenance services such as cleaning and chemical balancing. The remaining $26,988 would be allocated for any additional maintenance or repairs that might arise and will be authorized on an as-needed basis. These expenses will be paid for at an hourly rate plus material costs and mark-up. This is an annual renewable contract that can be extended for five (5) twelve-month periods under the same terms and conditions as the original contract (subject to CPI increase approval).

Annual maintenance of Quorum Park, Le Grande Landscape Island, Bosque Park and Vitruvian is funded from the General Fund and annual maintenance of Addison Circle Park Fountains is funded from the Hotel Fund, per the breakdown provided below:

  FY2021 Projected Expenses -  Fountain Maintenance Only  FY2021 Budgeted Expenses - Fountain Maintenance and Repair Expenses
General Fund $22,044.00 $39,850.00
Hotel Fund $77,856.00 $87,038.00
Total $99,900.00 $126,888.00

There will be a $25,021.52 increase in fountain maintenance expenses from Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 to FY2021. In anticipation of this increase, staff reallocated savings from other maintenance items in the FY2021 operations budget for both funds to plan for these expenses.

Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - Contract Agreement with Palm Springs Pool Service

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