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Item # 6.
Council Meeting
Meeting Date: 09/08/2020  
Department: Development Services  
Pillars: Excellence in Transportation Systems
Milestones: Improve all modes of transportation with infrastructure in an acceptable condition and well maintained

Consider Action on a Resolution to Approve an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for Enhancements of Areas Along the Cotton Belt/Silver Line Alignment and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,660.16.
This agenda item is to approve an Interlocal Agreement that will provide funding from the Town to supplement DART’s betterment program for aesthetic enhancements along the Cotton Belt/Silver Line corridor adjacent to the Addison Circle and future transit-oriented development area.

The DART Board’s Betterments Policy for Residential Areas provides a basic level of funding for aesthetic enhancements based on the length of residential adjacency to the rail corridor. The policy typically requires that any funds be spent only where residential adjacencies exist. In Addison, there is currently 530 linear feet of multi-family residential property on the north side of the Cotton Belt/Silver Line corridor from Quorum Drive to Spectrum Drive. Based on this distance, the Betterment Policy provides $79,000 for enhancements to the Cotton Belt/Silver Line project.

Additionally, in August of 2018, the DART Board approved additional betterments funding to an amount equal to the cost of providing noise walls in locations with residential adjacencies that did not meet DART’s criteria for sound mitigation. The 530 linear feet of residential adjacency did not meet the criteria for sound mitigation and qualified for $433,000 in additional funding.

These two programs together provide $512,000 to fund betterments in Addison. Town staff has worked with DART staff to develop a plan for spending these funds. First, the Town has requested, and DART has agreed to allow the Town to apply these funds beyond just the 530 linear feet between Quorum Drive and Spectrum Drive. Instead, the funds can be spent from Addison Road to Dallas Parkway along the entirety of Addison Circle and the future transit-oriented development area. Second, the Town has requested that the funds be utilized to replace the standard chain link fencing proposed as part of the project with the same 6 foot decorative fence that is used throughout the rest of the Addison Circle district to improve aesthetics and create continuity within the district. Additionally, the Town requested the installation of a concrete mow strip at the base of the fencing to allow for easier landscape maintenance in the future.

The total cost to install these improvements from Addison Road to Dallas Parkway exceeds DART’s betterment budget and creates a funding gap of $43,660.16. The Town can either reduce the length of fencing and switch to a chain link fence in the area between the rail station and Addison Road or contribute the funds necessary to complete the enhanced fencing and mow strip in this area. Staff believes that it would be beneficial to utilize DART’s contractor to complete the fencing at one time along the entire span from Addison Road to Dallas Parkway. This will create a cohesive look that will help blend the rail station and future transit-oriented development area in with the existing character of the Addison Circle district.

The attached Interlocal Agreement would commit the Town to providing the $43,660.16 so that DART’s contractor could complete this work. This is an unbudgeted item, but the cost can be covered by funds remaining from other capital projects.
Administration recommends approval.
Resolution - DART ILA

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